to loaf and feel pretty and young. I guess that's what we are all chasing with our dressing: youth and beauty.. and there's no doubt that we achieve the goal at least temporarily. and we feel young in our hearts and feel like dancing and floating on a cloud.. And the mirror tells us that we look better this way.. the make-up has erased so many imperfections, and the wig has added something fresh and sweet and airy that we never saw before...and we laugh and we smile so much more often than the other self"..even a joke seems funnier to the girl-within. The very same jokes repeated later at the office somehow fall flat, they have lost the magic touch of the transvestite. Try it sometime and you'll see that I am right. It's a funny thing about TV's. We never get tired of discussing TVism. We've gone over and over the same subject, dozens of times, we've argued for and against dozens of theories and still, when we get to- gether inevitably the philosophizing begins.. and there are dozens of opinions and viewpoints and likes and dis- likes and somehow we never agree, but we all finish our analysis with a feeling of satisfaction as if we had found the final answer, which we haven't. Most common sub- ject discussed? Wives..and girlfriends...I am still waiting to hear about that A-plus wife who really ADORES TVism in her husband.. No such thing. Invariably the greatest source of TV unhappiness is the wife.. and the most common argument she unfolds is her fear that he will be found out and publicly disgraced...Somehow you can't blame the darling things.. But why does it have to be a source of great rejoicing for a TV the news that his wife is going to be away for a few days? At times one feels that between two feminine entities there can never be more than a friendly truce at best, camouflaging a basic resentment of each other. Could that be the reason why there is so much antagonism in so many TV homes? And by the way, I've heard unconfirmed reports (it could be a big lie) that there is a TV GG in Canada who loves to wear false moustache and sideburns at home. My source claims to have heard the story from a third party and does not know more details..I have urged her to try and find out more.. I imagine that our TV GG must love to stroll over to the nearest bar and order a stiff drink to make sure she can pass and must practice dee- pening her voice at home for hours while insisting (if she is married) that her husband call her George..and the towels in their bathroom must read HIS and HIS.